I am so bad about keeping this Blog updated.
Whats going on with me:
I have recently migrated my Tutorial sight to a new service, which I have to be honest its quite confusing to me. Eventually I will have everything listed here at this site. I then will only have this site to update LOL
I am also taking a break from my Digi Scrap designs because I will be moving. Our lease is up here and I think its time we moved to a house and out of the Apartment building. We are in the process of looking, have 2 houses in mind, and are trying to work all the details out. I just want to "get er done" before Christmas. Wish us luck.Julea celebrated her 4th Birthday yesterday, in which we will actually have her party on the 16th, at my parents house. The weather here is cooling off enough for me to enjoy the outdoors. Have to take advantage of that because FL only has a very short 'cool off" period.
Anyways, look for changes comming soon. I really wish I had more hours in the day. LOL
Much Luv!